Daily Archives: March 24, 2010

Miracles and Experiences in Krishna Consciousness

Here are true stories of miracles and profound experiences that have happened to me, my friends, my friends’ friends, and devotees all over the globe

  • This true story is about a woman and her family being haunted by a ghost for 9 years
  • Another story about how Bhaktivinode Thakur drove away a brahmana ghost
  • Nrishinga Deva saves his 5-year-old devotee [Note: Many other short stories of miracles related to Nrishinga Deva are in the comments section on the same page]
  • Krishna’s milk miracle Continue reading


Filed under Krishna Consciousness, Testimonies + Miracles + Mercy Stories

Sick again + Wisdom tooth

I might be getting a throat infection again. My throat’s been hurting and I’ve had slight fever. I’ve been taking medicines and so I’m not too sick. I was in horrible pain about a week ago. My wisdom tooth was coming in. It was swollen and one side of my face shape is oval, but thanks to the wisdom tooth, only one side of my face was square-jawed. Continue reading

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Filed under Health Care